LAWDERN PARTNERS律登律师事务所是一家致力于复杂商事法律服务、涉外法律服务、诉讼与仲裁争议解决领域的专业法律服务机构。律所专注于为国内外客户提供商业法律服务、进出口贸易、投融资服务、知识产权服务、风险管控与争议解决整体解决方案。律登秉持“源于法、归于法”为价值使命,坚守“传承、超越、价值、成就”为服务理念,通过全局视野和组织化服务,为客户提供一个更优的选择,帮助客户获得成功。
LAWDERN PARTNERS is a professional legal service institution dedicated to complex commercial legal services, foreign-related legal services, and dispute resolution in litigation and arbitration. The law firm specializes in providing comprehensive solutions for domestic and foreign clients in areas such as commercial legal planning, import and export trade, investment and financing services, risk management and control, and dispute resolution. LAWDERN adheres to the value mission of "originating from the law and returning to the law," and upholds the service philosophy of "inheritance, transcendence, value, and achievement." Through a global perspective and organized services, LAWDERN provides clients with a better choice and helps them achieve success.
LAWDERN PARTNERS执行团队从2007年开始至今,这17年我们只做一件事:深度理解客户需求并持续提供经营性增值商业解决方案。我们先后以海华人力派遣、立格企业服务、律登法律电商持续为客户提供商业法律价值,我们始终坚持以客户为中心,以商事法律规则作为企业事业单位运行的底层架构,坚持组织化服务,深度参与客户的各项商业活动。
The LAWDERN PARTNERS executive team has been working on one thing for 17 years since 2007: deeply understanding customer needs and continuously providing operational value-added business solutions. We have continuously provided commercial legal value to our clients through Haihua Human Resources Dispatch, Lige Enterprise Services, and Ludeng Legal E-commerce. We have always adhered to customer centricity, with commercial legal rules as the underlying structure for the operation of enterprises and public institutions, adhered to organizational services, and deeply participated in various commercial activities of our clients.
Different stages of development, the same service team. What changes is the customer's needs, what remains unchanged is that we are always partners in the success of our customers' businesses.
We help thousands of clients and government departments make the right choices and predict what will happen in the decision-making process.
We always believe that professionalism is what makes us professional, and excellence is what makes us professional.
LAWDERN PARTNERS团队一直为知名企业提供商业法律事务解决方案服务,先后服务的部分客户有:
The LAWDERN PARTNERS team has been providing commercial legal solution services to well-known enterprises, and has served some clients including:
葛洲坝集团机电建设有限公司、十九冶金集团有限公司、中国水电七局、九寨沟水电集团有限公司、中国人民解放军总参某干休所、华电集团有限公司、四川华电泸定水电有限公司、成都市锦江区处非办、锦江区总工会、成都海华法商信息技术有限公司、重庆芭菲盛宴餐饮公司、成都家乐福超市、成都西武百货、成都伊势丹百货、鑫苑置业(成都)有限公司、湖南商会四川分会、四川省运动技术学院、四川田径技术学校、四川省游泳馆、成都市三原外国语学校、四川互美新能源有限公司、上海绿烽新能源有限公司、上海科华生物科技工程有限公司、 玛格丽格(上海)商贸公司、科伦药业股份有限公司、中国航天科技集团公司、浙江宝石研究所、成都勘测设计研究院、熠晖冶金集团有限公司、北京森泰飞货运有限公司、成都东方成达硅材料技术开发有限公司、中外运敦豪物流公司、库拉索外交供应有限公司、DHL-Loginstics、DIPLOMATIC SUPPLIES N.V.、Peirong Jinhai Co.,Ltd、深圳太阳生物科技股份有限公司、上海家荣进出口有限公司、成都饭来张口供应链有限公司、成都陈太厨房餐饮管理有限公司、成都市四新投资管理有限公司、四川禾木机械制造有限公司等。